
We are proud to integrate with the following Point-of-Sale (POS) partners:

5-Star Rating on Square App Marketplace

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… And More to Come!

We take your data security very seriously.

We are very judicious about the data we request from you and your POS system. We only request what we absolutely need in order for our engines to build our insights.

Data We Pull:
  • Transactions (Date, Items, Price Paid, Tips)
  • Product List / Catalogue
  • Store Locations (for Weather, Holidays, Events)
Data We DO NOT Pull:
  • ANYTHING About Your Customers
  • ANYTHING About Customer Payment Methods
  • ANYTHING About Your Employees

We regularly put our security to the test.

We routinely test our platform for weaknesses and ensure we maintain certification with some of the world’s strictest data security standards.

We would never sell your data. Ever. Period.

We take your trust very seriously. We only pull data so that we can use it to serve you. We would never sell or share your data with a third party. Ever.

Ready to get going?