Product Overview

ProfitRover is in business to help your business thrive. Our algorithms identify opportunities to drive higher profitability, either through increasing revenues or managing costs, across multiple aspects of your business:

  • Staffing
  • Pricing
  • Operating Hours
  • Forecasting

Lower your staffing costs 10-20% by eliminating overstaffing, drive higher tips per employee, and improve customer experience

Why It Matters: Effective staffing is critical for driving:

  • Satisfied Customers
  • Happier Employees
  • Efficient Cost Management

How It Works: We leverage our best-in-class forecasting capabilities to predict your hourly revenue, sales & tips to help plan out your staffing. Our goal is to ensure your staffing plan is metrics-driven and cost efficient.

ProfitRover Delivers:

  • Shift Recommendations: shift-level staffing recommendations for the next 28 days that are based on your expected hourly customer spend, which are updated daily as our forecasts evolve. We show you how our staffing recommendation helps optimize key metrics like revenue per employee hour.
  • Shift Planning Tools: ability to create your own staffing plans and see the anticipated impact on your key metrics
  • Flexible Controls: We give you key controls to ensure our recommendations align with the intricacies of your business

Increase your revenues anywhere from 5-15% through smarter pricing, while also ensuring you’re hitting your volume targets.

Why It Matters: Establishing the right pricing enables:

  • Higher Revenues / Margins
  • Achieving Desired Growth
  • Attracting Ideal Customers

How It Works: We study your historical transactions data to understand how customers react to price changes for each of your products, and can even estimate how customers would react to a price change for products whose price has never been adjusted.

ProfitRover Delivers:

  • Price Recommendations: We recommend prices to you for each of your products that help to maximize your overall revenue, whether that’s dropping price to drive more demand or increasing price to drive margin.
  • Pricing Planning Tool: Experiment with changing your prices and see predicted impacts on sales and revenue so that you can build pricing strategies that make sense for your business.
  • Flexible Controls: Set your desired pricing structure (e.g., pricing by day of week, by month, quarter) to get pricing recommendations that fit your business

Increase your revenue per hour 5-10% through data-driven hours of operation

Why It Matters: Regularly revisiting your operating hours:

  • Promotes Capitalizing on Peak Periods
  • Avoids Overspending During Off-Peak Periods
  • Ensures You’re Aware of Shifting Demand Trends

How It Works: We leverage our best-in-class forecasting capabilities to predict which hours will perform the best in the weeks and months ahead. Our goal is to ensure your operating hours are optimized to capitalize on predicted peak periods while avoiding being open during off-peak periods if possible.

ProfitRover Delivers:

  • Operating Hours Recommendations: open/close recommendations by location and day of week for the weeks and months ahead based on which periods are expected to outperform user-defined hourly revenue targets
  • Planning Tools: ability to test your operating hour changes and see the anticipated impact on your key metrics like revenue per open hour
  • Flexible Controls: We give you key controls to ensure our recommendations meet your needs

Increase your gross margins 5-10% over the long term through better visibility into your future performance

Why It Matters: Accurate forecasting promotes:

  • Recognizing New Trends
  • Informed Operational Decisions
  • Smarter Long Range Planning

How It Works: We leverage your historical transactions and external market data (including factors like weather, holidays, and special events) to study what drives sales for each of your products so we can predict future sales with great accuracy.

ProfitRover Delivers:

  • Granular Forecasts: We provide hourly forecasts for tips and product-level sales and revenue so you are fully prepared for the coming days and weeks
  • Pacing Estimates: We combine past sales with our forecasts to predict how your revenue, sales & tips are trending for the current month, quarter and year
  • Flexible Controls: We give you key controls to ensure our forecasts meet your needs

Ready to see what ProfitRover can do for your business?

Get started today!